
Real Estate

If you are thinking about buying or renting a property in Kagawa, we can help you.
Our certified real estate agents will support you.
Furthermore, with the know-how we gained from operating guesthouses, we can help you with the renovation of old houses, the management of vacant houses, and the operation of vacation rentals. Please do not hesitate to contact us.



  • Buying and selling

    We will use our network to find and present properties that meet the needs of our customers.
  • Rental

    Our staff will assist you to look for a rental property.
  • Guesthouse Operation

    Our staff, who are skilled in managing vacation rentals, will assist you on everything from necessary
    procedures associated with starting your business to the operation of the rental property.
  • Management

    We will manage your important properties utilizing our operating and cleaning know-how
    that we have cultivated through our experience in guesthouse management.


About the Properties

Your conditions
We will ask you what kind of property or land you are looking for, what area you want to live in, and what kind of things you want to know about the surrounding environment, and then carefully select the properties best for you.
We will accompany you to see the actual property or land.
Contract procedure
Once you have found the property you would like to purchase, we will proceed with the contract procedures with a licensed real estate agent present.
About the Properties

About the Properties + Renovations

Your search conditions (hearing)
We will ask you what kind of property or land you are looking for, what area you want to live in, and what kind of things you want to know about the surrounding environment, and then carefully select the properties best for you.
We will accompany you to view the actual property.
Once you have found the property you would like to purchase, we will proceed with the contract procedures with a registered real estate agent present.
Renovation meetings and construction
We will listen to your needs, make a renovation plan, and carry out the construction.
About the Properties + Renovations

About the Properties from Trial Relocation

Staying at the Traditional Apartment
Stay at the Traditional Apartment for a time and experience the surrounding environment, atmosphere, and the people who live there.
Your conditions
We will ask you what kind of property or land you are looking for, what area you want to live in, and what kind of things you want to know about the surrounding environment, and then carefully select the properties best for you.
We will accompany you to see the actual property or land.
Contract procedure
Once you have found the property you would like to purchase, we will proceed with the contract procedures with a licensed real estate agent present.
About the Properties from Trial Relocation


  • F.U様 50女性

    COMMENT 2022年の4月までメキシコに住んでいましたが、コロナがきっかけとなって人生を見直し、気候が温暖で緑と海が近くにある高松への移住を決意しました。移住にあたって住居探しが前提ですが、メキシコからは簡単に見学に行けない距離なので、困難を極めました。最初は賃貸物件で家を探すしかないかと考えていましたが、高松市のオンライン移住相談でこちらのサービスを紹介くださりました。

物件が決まってからはスムーズに契約から取引までを行ってくださいました。物件の引き渡しまではTraditional Apartmentのお試し移住サービスを利用させていただきました。立地が町の中心にありすべて徒歩圏内で用が足せるため、その間、役所の手続き行うことができました。移住してから1か月以内に普通の生活が行えるという奇跡のようなスピードで移住が完了しました。

    移住が完了して半年が経ちました。その間念願のジュエリー工房も立ち上げることができて、工房のウェブサイトの制作もお願いしました。限られた予算のなかで、素敵なHPも作成して下さり喜んでいます。かなり無謀な移住計画だったとは思いますが、それが実現したのもひとえにTraditional Apartmentさんのおかげです。とても感謝しています。


Available 24/7, 365 days

If you are looking for land, property, or a parking lot in Kagawa, please contact us here.
You can ask any questions or share any concerns you have. Please use the following form to send us your inquiry.

After we review your inquiry, we will respond via e-mail.
Please understand that it may take us some time to respond.

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