07 23 2020
Central park
Located in the middle of the city near the shopping street, you’ll find a bit of greenery at this cute little park.
I often go here to sit and read a book, eat my lunch, or just enjoy the good weather.
Doing the lunch time, there won’t be so many people here, but right around the afternoon, you can see a lot of High School students hanging out after school or club is done.
There is plenty of benches at the park, and a large green field, where you can hold picnics with your friends, or alone. There is also a playground for kids and a cute little waterfall(sometimes it’s not turned on).
The park is not huge, but it is nonetheless a nice place to relax, if you want to take a break from the shopping street.
Here you can see a corner of the park.
If you arrive by bike, there are multiple bicycle parking spots.
It is open all hours of the day, and there is no fee to enter the park, so you can come here anytime you want.
I have seen people bringing footballs (soccer balls) or baseballs and throwing those around or playing football.
Right now the big green field in the middle of the park is closed off due to the virus, but I’m sure it’ll open again soon.